How to Treat Dry Skin

Dry skin is the pits. It’s itchy, flaky, and just plain uncomfortable. But there are ways to treat it – and you don’t have to spend a fortune on fancy lotions and potions from the beauty store either! If you’re looking for how to treat dry skin, check out these tips for taking care of dry skin, and say goodbye to those pesky flakes in the process!

How to Treat Dry Skin

Dry skin can affect people of all ages. There can be various triggering factors like overbathing, sun damage, using harsh soaps, and many more. Fortunately, there are natural remedies for dry skin. In this blog, we have discussed homemade remedies to treat dry skin. Read on.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

How to Treat Dry Skin

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You know the drill: drink eight glasses of water daily, and your skin will thank you. Not drinking the required amount of water can cause dehydration, which can lead to dry skin. Dehydrated skin is a condition that causes the skin to become dry due to a lack of water. So ensure you’re hydrated by sipping on water throughout the day.

2. Apply a Moisturizer Immediately After Bathing

How to treat dry skin

One of the exceptional ways to combat dry skin is to use a moisturizer immediately after bathing. That’s because your skin absorbs moisture more readily when it’s wet before locking it all in. Furthermore, applying moisturizer after a bath is absolutely key because it provides an artificial barrier that can help prevent water loss So slather on some moisturizing lotion or cream right after you step out of the shower or bath, and your skin will soak it up like a sponge.

3. Humidifier Application

How to treat dry skin.

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If you live in a dry climate or tend to run the heat in your home during the winter, that can make your skin even drier. Dry skin can also lead to wrinkles. Combat the problem using a humidifier, adding moisture to the air and helping keep your skin hydrated.

Running a humidifier pulls moisture back into the air to improve dry, itchy skin and help it retain that hydration. Cracked lips, itchy skin, and bad allergies are all conditions that can improve with the use of a humidifier.

4. Avoid Taking Long Hot Baths

How to treat dry skin

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Looking for more ways on how to treat dry skin? Here’s more. While a steaming hot shower might feel good when you’re feeling chilly, it’s not so great for your skin. That’s because hot water strips away the natural oils that protect your skin, leaving it vulnerable to dehydration. So stick to lukewarm water when you bathe.

Additionally, avoid using harsh soaps that can further dry out your skin. Harsh soaps can remove the natural oils from your skin. your skin may feel dry and rough. Some soaps are more drying than others, and some are even abrasive or irritating.

5. Wear Gloves When You’re Doing Chores

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If you often find yourself with dry, cracked hands, it might be time to invest in a pair of gloves. That’s because chores like washing dishes or cleaning the house can strip away the natural oils in your skin, leaving your hands feeling parched. So pop on gloves before you start any chores involving water, and your hands will thank you.

6. Eat Foods High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

How to treat dry skin

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Omega-3 fatty acids are great for your skin – they help keep it hydrated and plump. Omega-3s appear to improve skin barrier function, sealing in moisture and keeping out irritants. So make sure to include plenty of omega-3-rich foods in your diet, like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds. Your skin will thank you! Not to mention, they provide plenty of other great overall benefits for your body!

7. Use Essential Oils

How to treat dry skin

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Essential oils aren’t only for aromatherapy! Combining the right essential oils into your favorite carrier oil and applying it on your face or body is a highly-effective way to protect and moisturize your skin. If you need recommendations, we recommend Maple Holistics for its range of essential oils. Choose from popular oils including Lavender, Rosemary, and much more!

The Bottom Line

Dry skin can be a nuisance, but don’t despair. With the right routine, lifestyle, and products used, you can combat it and get smooth and shiny skin that you’ll be eager to show off to the rest of the world.

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